Bastien Guerry

About Bastien Guerry

Bastien Guerry is a developer and consultant, specialist in free software and digital education issues. He has been an advocate for digital freedoms since the end of the 20th century, at time when he simultaneously discovered GNU/
Linux, the free software movement, and programming.

Draw me an open model, please – interview with Sophie Gautier & Laurent Séguin

Draw me an open model, please – interview with Sophie Gautier & Laurent Séguin

This article is an excerpt of the book Open models published in French in 2014 and translated in 2016. For this interview, Bastien GUERRY role-played The Little Prince*. In the role of Saint-Exupéry: Sophie GAUTIER (The Document Foundation, who is behind Libre Office) and Laurent SÉGUIN (Association of French-Speaking Free Software Users). Draw me a […]

“Dans la traduction, la collaboration est devenue la règle”

“Dans la traduction, la collaboration est devenue la règle”

Samy Boutayeb est traducteur professionnel. Convaincu de l’utilité sociale du partage des savoirs – une conviction renforcée par sa rencontre avec le mouvement du logiciel libre – il a participé à différents projets éducatifs et de développement logiciel, notamment dans le cadre du programme “One Laptop Per Child” ou pour le projet Global Voices. Bastien […]