The Forwarders community

Without Model is a club of innovators, free thinkers, business model specialists who gather to contribute to a positive future.
The Forwarders design and realize innovative business models in all industries, all organisations size (startups, SMEs, corporations) whether for profit or not-for-profit value creation.
The Forwarders gather to contribute to corporations and society : think out of constraints and challenge the status quo
  • explore experiments opportunities within the community
  • advocate widely on business model innovation and foster local initiatives
  • design tools and methods for business model innovation
  • build a desired future through prospective studies

A non profit organisation

Created in 2012, Without Model is a do tank which gathers researchers and professionals to build innovative and responsible business models revisiting the creation and the distribution of value.

For that purpose, Without Model builds and leads communities of researchers, marketers, entrepreneurs and designers coming from SME as well as from big groups.

Without model is independent from any other organisation.

Independence doesn’t mean autarchy and Without Model enters in and develops collaborations with other organisations to realise its mission (la fingouisharecreative commonsESCP EuropeRenaultMutinerieLa CantineMoustic are some examples).
Without Model was co-founded in 2012 by Louis-David Benyayer, Cédric Ménier, Emmanuel Thouan et Raphaël Maucuer.

And you

Without Model is opened to contributors and contributions :

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